

One Small Step makes a big step for sustainability

Image of One Small Step makes a big step for sustainability



One Small Step is a celebration of a significant day in our history, July 20, 1969. Not only was it the day that astronaut Neil Armstrong took one small step on the surface of the moon, but it was the same day Bill Taylor travelled to and set foot on the Taylor family vineyard in Clare Valley.  This label pays homage to this discovery, with a striking moon overlooking the township of Clare and the vineyards. With sustainability in mind, this label was adapted for the 100% recycled, flat and space-efficient PET bottle.

The label material was specifically selected to maximise the recyclability of the PET bottle. The recycling-friendly adhesive allows the label to wash off cleanly in the recycling process, maximising the yield of clean PET that is able to be recycled.

  • Producer – Taylors Wines
  • Region – South Australia
  • Label Name – One Small Step
  • Designer – Denomination
  • Printing – Digital
  • Substrate – Recycling-friendly film
  • Embellishments – Foil