Recording: The Power of Packaging: Labels to drive engagement
In a crowded market place, making the consumer connection and enhancing their brand experience is essential.

It’s a well-known fact that a brand has a small timeframe (less than 8 seconds!) to attract a consumer before they focus their attention elsewhere. Packaging, including labels is often the first interaction a brand has with its consumer.
Join this Expert Talk to discover the various ways you can use your label as a promotional vehicle to really excite and engage your audience.
Experts joining the Expert Talk include:
Richard Gilliatt, Technical Director at MCC
Special Guest: Monique Cohen, Global Content and Creative Manager at Hewlett Packard
Special Guest: Deva Rangarajan, PhD, Professor of Marketing at IÉSEG School of Management in Paris
Special Guest: David Hack, Senior Account Executive at CTI
Louis Iovoli, Sales Rep at MCC, will be moderating this Expert Talk.