Thatchers Family Reserve is a very special product for us, since the original recipe came from our founder, William Thatcher, four generations ago. As an English sparkling wine, it is a unique proposition and a very premium offering. We therefore wanted our packaging to reflect this. The fine, delicate nature of Family Reserve is mirrored in the labels that MCC implemented beautifully for us, with the intricacy of the golden foil apple illustration and embossed detail on the premium paper stock labels.” – Thatchers
CookChick’s approach highlights Thatchers four generations of cidermakers by focusing on a family tree concept. This story begins on the neck label with an apple tree illustration crafted by Alex Machin and weaves through the main label connecting the two labels visually. A single golden apple illustration by the late great Geoffrey Appleton creates the focus of the label with wooden crate inspired stencil branding cutting centrally through the apple.
The printing and finishing was crucial to the success of the design. The hot foil and emboss, working together is stunning creating the perfect contrast between illustration and branding. This elegant design reflects the taste profile of this Classic Cuvee, a great combination of depth, delicacy and attention to detail.” – Cookchick